Saturday, September 15, 2007

Smart Habit Saturday

I have been reading The Lazy Organizer for a few weeks now and really enjoy reading the posts from Smart Habit Saturdays. So, I'm jumping in and creating a post.

Earlier this week, I was lamenting my inability to structure my day without a job to structure it for me. I have a weekly plan in the works and I have been making a conscious effort to cross things off my to do list. (Usually the things that I think are fun. The stuff I don't want to do is still on the list. Pretty typical for me.)

Of course, I have a list of habits I want to implement for myself. It's a little overwhelming to know where to start. I think what this little family needs most right now is some consistency as far as our waking up times and bedtimes are concerned. Going to bed at approximately the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning is going to do a lot for our health, metabolism and blood sugar regulation.

So, this is the two-part habit that I'm starting on tonight (and will "encourage" Diggity to join me)...

1. Be in bed by 11:00 p.m. (or earlier)
2. Get up and have the baby fed and the adult breakfast ready by 8:00 a.m.

For more SMART habits, check out The Lazy Organizer's SMART Habit Saturday! Click here!


Yvonne said...

I love that, Macy. I need to improve in so many areas, but tackling one or two at a time may not make it seem so insurmountable. The other thing is writing it down for THE WORLD to read helps--I know I developed my exercising habit by putting it down on my blog ; )

Great habits. (I'll make sure I never call after 11:00!!!)

Sarah Jane said...

I am so behind on reading your posts! They are all so great! On this note...good for you! I am CONSTANTLY trying to find better use of my time...but don't get discouraged when those curve balls come. Finding those little things the work for ME are so great...if I don't do them, then I end up just putting out fires all day, and then the day is over. So, good for you! I can't wait to check out that site! Thanks!

Lara said...

That sounds like a good place to start!

We home school and my husband has no work schedule so I find it really difficult to get the kids and I on a schedule. I just have to keep trying!

Thanks for joining us!

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