Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Mud Puddle

When G-Man and I were outside the other afternoon practicing catching backlight, he found his first mud puddle.

As the mom of a boy, I knew this would happen sooner or later. However, I was unprepared for how much joy he found in making the water splash and then realizing he could squish his shoes down into the mud. I was also unprepared for the mess I would have to clean up afterward.

Here's to the beginning of many messy-little-boy years ahead!

Back when sticks were the coolest thing outside...

"Mom, look what I found!"

More discovery...and the aftermath begins...

I just liked these shots. Diggity is in Japan this week, so I'm making sure he sees pics of G-Man.

Round 2. You can see how awful his pants got in the picture on the right. He's waving to our neighbor in the picture in the upper left hand corner. G-Man is quite friendly these days.


Stacie said...

HA ha ha! Yep, you are in for it. Happy first mud puddle. May you have many more.

Neal said...

Awesome! I can't wait to show him how to roll around in the mud ; )

Super Kimmie said...

He's all boy - that's for sure. I totally want to see pictures of he and his dad rolling around in the mud - that will be awesome!

Yvonne said...

Great fun.

Stephanie said...

Love the photos Macy - you're so talented! But seriously, is there anything you can't do?!

LL said...

so so cute--looks like a good time!

Karyn Mann said...

Your photos look so great!
Of course, when you have such a good looking model, it makes the photography easy.

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