Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This Afternoon at Our House

3:20 p.m. Realize that rented 50mm camera lens has arrived and is sitting outside garage door.

3:30 p.m. Put G-Man down for nap.

3:41 p.m. Take favorite aperture shot from Higglytown Heroes experimental photo shoot:

3:42 p.m. Take very colorful shot of neighbor's house. Liking new lens.

3:43 p.m. One more aperture experiment. Flower shots much easier with this lens.

5:48 p.m. G-Man eats string cheese.
(These shots are really yellow. I love the aperture opening for this rented lens - it lets in so much light. But the light above G-Man's highchair is ugly light and it picked up the yellow tones in our paint and intensified the yellow even more. I promise he isn't jaundiced.)

7:11 p.m. G-Man helps us say a blessing on the food.
(He's been folding his arms for prayer lately and shutting his eyes as tight as he can. I don't have autofocus with this lens, so it's a little out of focus because I was trying to hurry and he moved. I'll get a better shot later. Diggity and I end up shaking with laughter during all our prayers these days because he's so dang cute.)

Hope you had a great afternoon too! Watch for posts from our weekend at Camp Joseph and other summer adventures coming soon!

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