Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home Again

We got home from Texas late Monday night. It was a pretty uneventful trip - except for the crowd I had to brave at Wendy's in Dulles International Airport. Not recommended with a stroller. I also broke down and bought Breaking Dawn and started reading it while G-Man watched a DVD. (I finished it yesterday. I was fully prepared to hate it after my reaction to the third book, but it turned out to be a good story after all.)

We're in the middle of unpacking and repacking for a trip to NYC this weekend. On Tuesday, G-Man and I are taking the train from NYC to Washington DC to visit his cousins who just moved there yesterday. In fact, we almost stayed in Washington DC on the way home the other day. Their flight got canceled and G-Man and I were going to just stay and meet their moving truck. They ended up getting there in time and we were able to come home. Though it was nice to come home, it meant we didn't get to see our friends the Takemotos. We stayed a few days with them at this time last year and had a great time. Here's a picture of G-Man and Sam I took almost exactly a year ago.

Luckily, with family in the DC area, we'll be making more frequent trips and will be able to see the Takemotos more often!

I'd better go do the dishes. Meh.

1 comment:

Utah Valley Sports Network said...

Hi Macy,
I love reading your blog. It is great to see all of the pictures.

Just a note of interest....Sarah (Mark's)is marrying Stephanie Myers cousing. Justin Morgan

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