Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breakfast Ruined - A Photo Essay

I wouldn't really call it an essay. Just trying to be a little bit fancy this morning.

I got a new flash (Nikon SB-600) and I have to say, there is a whole new learning curve involved in implementing this into my photography. I've got a lot of practicing to do - especially in terms of when and where and why to use it.

G-Man, as always, is my model for such experiments. Though based on his reaction to the pictures I took of him at breakfast the other morning, I may want to start using different models.

Click on the picture (or click here) to see why.

Beautiful Morning


LL said...


Becca said...

Macy, you are hilarious! I love your blog, always brings a smile to my face.

Becca Ingram said...

Note to self: There is more than one Becca in the world. Be more specific when commenting in the cyberworld!

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