Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monkey in the Woods

The little turkey wouldn't ever look at the camera. It's like he knows I'm trying to trick him into taking pictures of him. Some of these were really fun in color, but I've found when G-Man isn't looking at the camera, I really like desaturated images the best.


Molly said...

I thought he was a monkey, not a turkey.

Macy said...

A turkey and a monkey. He is both. Still cute though.

LL said...

LOVE these. Look at him, cutest little monkey.
Masey, you could just post photos and I'd be entertained all day. I love your pictures.
speaking of pics, YES, i did take the one on my banner. It was one of those after church...have everyone run over by the trees and I got THAT. But when I plan a photo session, NOTHING. Oh well, the beauty of digital!

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