Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lunch with the B's

We had the chance a few days ago to visit another friend of ours and have lunch and some fun outside. The B's are friends from our first ward in Massachusetts and I'm so glad we still get to see them. Their daughter (A.) is a couple weeks older than G-Man, and it is so fun to watch them play with older brother M.

I love these slide shots. I was testing the limits of my new lens. I was amazed at how clear they turned out, since I'm standing at the edge of the lawn by their house and the swingset is on the opposite side of the yard.

I'm getting in the habit of taking the camera with me wherever I go - especially if I know there will be children playing! I'm really happy with the way some of these are turning out.


Michal said...

your photography skills are so impressive--and improving all the time. i wish you were taking the pictures for my blog.

Macy said...

Thanks, Michal! That made my day!

LL said...

i love the B family. H is looking AMAZING! I'm so glad she got her girl. cute family, great pics.

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