Monday, October 13, 2008

Home again!

We finally made it home this afternoon and both G-Man and I took a long nap. (He woke up at 5:00 a.m., so we got on the road a little earlier than I planned. It meant we got home earlier, which was nice. But it also meant I had to stop and rest my eyes about halfway home so I didn't fall asleep listening to my fourth Elmo DVD in a row.)

I have lots of pictures to edit and post, but I need to get to bed. I wanted to post just a few I took yesterday when we stopped in Kirtland to see the new Visitors' Center and restored buildings. I can't wait to go back with Diggity and take the full tour. (It was almost nap time and the tour takes an hour and 45 minutes. We decided to forgo the tour and walk around the buildings instead.)

G-Man in front of the new Visitors' Center. (It's actually a couple years old, but it's new since my last visit.)

G-Man checks out the Whitney Store. The School of the Prophets was upstairs in this building.

G-Man on the path leading back from the ashery and saw mill.

I really was impressed with the Kirtland Visitors' Center and other buildings. Last time I visited, there was a busy road that went between the old Visitors' Center and the Whitney Store. The Church had just received permission to reroute the road and had begun uncovering the foundations of some of the original buildings. It was wonderful to see the finished project.

On our way into Buffalo, I had to stop and take a picture of this funeral home I saw on the way out of town Thursday morning. (I think everyone that reads this blog knows this about me - but my dad is a funeral director and our family lived in a house attached to the mortuary where he worked until I was 17. I always notice funeral homes and cemeteries.) I laughed for about 15 minutes after I saw it:

And just to prove I didn't Photoshop this and it is a real funeral home, here's a wide shot:

And if you don't know why I was laughing, say the family name of the funeral home really slowly. Break it into three words if you need to...

I still can't believe that is the real name, but Brent and Karen assured me that is indeed the family's name and that they have several funeral homes in the Buffalo area.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I guess they were destined to be funeral directors! That is great! (You should send that one in to Jay Leno).

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