A couple weeks ago, G-Man and I had some time to kill between his Music Together class (which I'm loving) and our appointment to go take pictures of
Miss C. I've been wanting to stop and shoot at all the little reservoirs I pass this time of year. They're all surrounded by trees and they're just gorgeous. So, we stopped and went for a walk. In between taking these shots, we met two big dogs and found some sticks. It was a good time.
Even though he doesn't look like he's having fun in this picture, he really did have fun.

I'm really glad we stopped. Not only did I like the way these pictures turned out, I went back to this lake to shoot some of
these pictures.
Near the end of Miss C's session, G-Man came outside to play too. I don't think I love anything more than taking shots of kids playing. I've always loved to sit and watch G-Man play, but being able to capture it is a whole new level of fun for me.

He's such a cutie.
Adorable! You must be thrilled that you are capturing all of this on film.
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